Enjoy an intense and satisfying conference filled with practical advice on mystery writing for all levels. Pitch your novel in a one-on-one session with an agent (sign up during Registration Saturday morning for a specific time slot), chat with a mystery author while eating lunch, and learn forensics details that will make your work speak Authenticity. Three tracks of presentations, three outstanding featured speakers and a 4-hour workshop 1-5 p.m. Friday afternoon given by Hollywood screenwriter Esther Luttrell (Screen Writing Techniques That Enliven Your Novel) will make this day memorable. Attend the author/speaker dinner Friday evening (6 pm cocktails, 7 pm dinner - an optional, additional charge not included in the event fee) at Miss Aimee B's tearoom where you can get acquainted with the featured presenters.
Friday, September 25, 1-5 PM
Saturday, September 26, 2009, 8 AM.-5 PM
at St. Charles Community College
Sponsored by Sisters in Crime - St. Louis Chapter
Local mystery writer? Don't miss this!
Local writer, but not of mysteries? Come check out the "Craft of Writing" track or the "Business of Writing" track. And the agent pitch sessions!
Not a writer? Come anyway and check out the "Forensics" track:
- Latent fingerprint examiner/forensic artist
- ‘The Missouri Miracle’: The Shawn Hornbeck/Ben Ownby Kidnapping Case
- Solution! Outsider’s View vs. Insider’s Knowledge
- Know Your Gun Before You Write: Firearms Explained
I'll be there. I'm just figuring out how to experience all three tracks at the same time.
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